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Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to learn arduino easily.

Arduino is an opensource platform development board which can use for making  embedded system projects .We can make lot of  projects using the help of arduino board .Arduino board is mainly based on Atmel Microcontrollers .There is an IDE for doing programming to Arduino board .The programming is similar to C++  .The main site of arduino is given . .
                       The programming is very easy and we can study all the functionalities within 2 or 3 days.

For learning arduino programming there are some good youtube videos
Here are the links that i found for learning complete arduino programming

1.Getting Started with Arduino

2.Arduino buttons,PWM and functions

3.Arduino Electric Engineering Basics

4.Arduino Analog Inputs

5.Arduino Motors and transisitors

6.Arduino Serial Communication and processing

7.Arduino I2C Communication

8.Arduino SPI Interface

9.Arduino Wireless Communication

10. Arduino Interupts and Hardware Debouncing

11.Arduino SD Card and Data Logging

Watch it and learn it.......:)


Anonymous said...

I have seen those thousand times in youtube....please make ur own video if you can it will be useful to others.......

Lentin Joseph said...

Thank you for the comment,This post is for beginners .I will publish my own video tutorial for arduino .

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