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Sunday, August 28, 2011

How to make a touch screen user Interface using Python

Hi all

        I like to introduce some Touch screen user interface library that working on Python . The  speciality of these library is its easiness .We can make good touch interface within few minutes .The two popular libraries written in python are

  • PyMT
  • Kivy



PyMT is an open source library for developing multi-touch applications. It is completely cross platform (Linux/OSX/Win) and released under the terms of the GNU LGPL.

         It comes with native support for many multi-touch input devices, a growing library of multi-touch aware widgets, hardware accelerated OpenGL drawing, and an architecture that is designed to let you focus on building custom and highly interactive applications as quickly and easily as possible.

         Since PyMT is a pure Python library, you can take advantage of its highly dynamic nature and use any of the thousands of high quality and open source python libraries out there.

For More Details Check this link


Touch Paint



        Open source library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps.Its Kivy is running on Linux, Windows, MacOSX and Android. You can run the same code on all supported platforms.

     We can use natively most inputs protocols and devices like WM_Touch, WM_Pen, Mac OS X Trackpad and Magic Mouse, Mtdev, Linux Kernel HID, TUIO. A multi-touch mouse simulator is included. 

For more Details check this link

Try it...

How to do Speech Recognition and Synthesis using Python...

Hi all

          This  post will be useful for those who do projects using speech recognition and sythesis .This method is very simple for  implementing speech projects . Actually speech recognition and synthesis are on still development stage . No ideal speech recognition tools are available .Here i introduce a method for doing this  .Its not very accurate ,but if we train well ,error can be reduce .The tools  you need are given below.The working platform is Windows XP

1)Python 2.6 for Windows 

2)Windows Speech SDK

3)Python Speech Module

4)Good Speech Voices

These are the things we need .Before we start ,check the mic and confirm if it working or not .Check the speakers also . 

1)Install the voices first or use the default voice of windows(MS Sam)

2)Install Speech SDK :After Installing Speech SDK ,we need to train the speech profile for getting good accuracy .The option for training is available in Control Panel .We can export and import the training profile .So you can train on one system and can move to other system without re-training .The tool for import/export is given below

Profile Manager:

3)Install Python 2.6

4)Install speech module :  Here is the command for installing speech module
Take command promt and change the path to speech module folder path
Enter this command after that

                    python install

5)Installation Done

Checking the Speech to text and Text to Speech in Python

           import speech
           while True:
                       phrase = speech.input()     #Convert Speech to text
                       speech.say("You said %s" % phrase)   #Convert the converted text to Speech
                       if phrase == "turn off":                         #if the text is turn off ,it will quit
For details you can refer the following link


Introduction to OpenCV

Hi all

        Recently i read some good websites related to OpenCV library .I like to share some  links here
This article is actually published in SERVO magazine .

OpenCV, Intel's free, open-source computer-vision library can greatly simplify computer-vision programming. It includes advanced capabilities - face detection, face tracking, face recognition, Kalman filtering, and a variety of artificial-intelligence (AI) methods - in ready-to-use form. In addition, it provides many basic computer-vision algorithms via its lower-level APIs.
A good understanding of how these methods work is the key to getting good results when using OpenCV. In this five-part series, I'll introduce you to OpenCV and show you how to use it to implement face detection, face tracking, and face recognition. Then, I'll take you behind the scenes to explain how each of these methods works and give you tips and tricks for getting the most out of them.
This first article in the series introduces OpenCV. I'll tell you how to get it and give you a few pointers for setting it up on your computer. You'll learn how to read and write image files, capture video, convert between color formats, and access pixel data - all through OpenCV interfaces.

OpenCV Overview

OpenCV is a free, open-source computer vision library for C/C++ programmers. You can download it from
Intel released the first version of OpenCV in 1999. Initially, it required Intel's Image Processing Library. That dependency was eventually removed, and you can now use OpenCV as a standalone library.
OpenCV is multi-platform. It supports both Windows and linux, and more recently, MacOSX . With one exception (CVCAM, which I'll describe later in this article), its interfaces are platform independent.

Figure 1. Among OpenCV's many capabilities are face detection (top left), contour detection (top right), and edge detection (bottom)


OpenCV has so many capabilities it can seem overwhelming at first. Fortunately, you'll need only a few to get started. I'll walk you through a useful subset in this series.
Here's a summary of the major functionality categories in OpenCV, version 1.0, which was just released at the time of this writing:

General computer-vision and image-processing algorithms (mid- and low-level APIs) 
Using these interfaces, you can experiment with many standard computer-vision algorithms without having to code them yourself. These include edge, line, and corner detection, ellipse fitting, image pyramids for multiscale processing, template matching, various transforms (Fourier, discrete cosine, and distance transforms), and more.

High-level computer-vision modules
OpenCV includes several high-level capabilities. In addition to face-detection, recognition, and tracking, it includes optical flow (using camera motion to determine 3D structure), camera calibration, and stereo.

AI and machine-learning methods 
Computer-vision applications often require machine learning or other AI methods. Some of these are available in OpenCV's Machine Learning package.

Image sampling and view transformations

It's often useful to process a group of pixels as a unit. OpenCV includes interfaces for extracting image subregions, random sampling, resizing, warping, rotating, and applying perspective effects.

Methods for creating and analyzing binary (two-valued) images 
Binary images are frequently used in inspection systems that scan for shape defects or count parts. A binary representation is also convenient when locating an object to grasp.

Methods for computing 3D information 
These functions are useful for mapping and localization - either with a stereo rig or with multiple views from a single camera.

Math routines for image processing, computer vision, and image interpretation 
OpenCV includes math commonly used algorithms from linear algebra, statistics, and computational geometry.


These interfaces let you write text and draw on images. In addition to various fun and creative possibilities, these functions are useful for labeling and marking. For example, if you write a program that detects objects, it's helpful to label images with their sizes and locations.

GUI methods 
OpenCV includes its own windowing interfaces. While these are limited compared to what can be done on each platform, they provide a simple, multi-platform API to display images, accept user input via mouse or keyboard, and implement slider controls.

Datastructures and algorithms 
With these interfaces, you can efficiently store, search, save, and manipulate large lists, collections (also called sets), graphs, and trees.

Data persistence 
These methods provide convenient interfaces for storing various types of data to disk and retrieving them later.

The links for these tutorials are given below

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hacking Symbian 60 Phone with Linux and Python

Hi all

          Mobiles phones are not only used for calling but also used for development .Mobile phone is a embedded device which contain a Processor ,RAM and ROM .Actually its like a micro computer . In this article i am sharing a link which showing ,how we can program a symbian 60 phone . The link is given below

Enjoy Hack!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Arduino Tutorial Books

Hi all

            I am sharing some download links of some good arduino tutorials books .This is very useful for academic projects  .It consist of some advanced topics such as

  • Ethernet 
  • Zigbee Interfacing 
  • Wireless Module Interfacing 
  • LCD Interfacing
  • LED Interfacing
  • I2C  and SPI Interfacing
  • Making of Audio Signal 
  • Remote Handling of external devices
  • GPS Interfacing
  • PIR Interfacing
  • Motion Detection
  • RFID Interfacing
  • Accelerometer and Gyroscope Interfacing
  • Playstation gamepad Interfacing
  • Serial Data Processing

It also contain some interesting projects such as

  • Binary Dice
  • Morse code generator
  • Motion sensing Game
  • Rotation of cube using Wii mote
  • Networking
  • Universal Remote

The links are given below

Monday, August 22, 2011

How to Restore Grub in Ubuntu??

Hi all

           Grub is a popular boot loader used in Linux distribution like Ubuntu ,Debian ,Mint etc .In some situation ,we have to re-install Grub .The main reason of grub failures are

1)Change in Partition table :Change in partition is happening because of deleting of some partition .In such cases grub failed to find the root partition .So grub shows  an error

2)Windows installation : If we install Windows after installing Linux ,then the grub loader will erase from the Master Boot Record  .So we have to install grub again .To avoid this situation ,first install Windows ,next install Ubuntu ,then grub will detect the Windows boot loader and show in the grub list

Grub installation Steps 

1)If the grub showing error or grub is replaced by Winboot loader then you can do this steps for grub recovery

1)Insert the Ubuntu Live Disc and enter into the live desktop

Note: Insert the same distribution disc that is pre-installed on the system

2)Mount the pre-installed Ubuntu partition by clicking the partition .When we click on the partition ,it will mount in the /media folder .We have to note the name of the mounted partition in the media folder

2)Take terminal from the Accessories menu

3)Enter the following commands below

             sudo grub-install --root-directory="/media/<Ubuntu mount name>" /dev/sda

4)Restart the live disc and remove the cd  from the drive .

5)When it boot up,we can see the grub .Take Ubuntu from the list and after entering to the desktop
take terminal and type the following command

                sudo update-grub


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Android Programming Video Tutorials

Hi all

       Android is a popular OS for tablets and mobiles .I got some good video tutorials from Youtube .I am sharing the link here .Its a very easy method to learn Android Programming .

                                                     1)Start Android  Programming

                                                       2)Eclipse ADT Plugin Setup


3)Installing Android SDK and setup simulator

                                                       4)Setting Up a new Android Project

                                                                 5)Android Project Overview

More videos can be find from this following link

Friday, August 19, 2011

DARwln OP : Open Platform Humanoid Robot for Research and Education

Hi all

          I like to introduce a new humanoid robot called Darwin .The main feature of the Darwin project is ,the code and hardware is open source .I am sharing the description of Darwin op from there website

"DARwIn-OP (Dynamic Anthropomorphic Robot with Intelligence - Open Platform) is an affordable, miniature-humanoid-robot platform with advance computational power, sophisticated sensors, high payload capacity, and dynamic motion ability to enable many exciting research, education, and outreach activities. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the United States, DARwIn-OP has been developed by RoMeLa at Virginia Tech with collaboration with University of Pennsylvania, Purdue University and Robotis Co., based on the award winning DARwIn series humanoid robots in development since 2004.

DARwIn-OP is a true open platform where users are encouraged to modify it in both hardware and software, and various software implementations are possible (C++, Python, LabVIEW, MATLAB, etc.) The open source hardware is not only user serviceable thanks to its modular design, but also can be fabricated by the user. Publically open CAD files for all of its parts, and instructions manuals for fabrication and assembly are available on-line for free.

A number of DARwIn-OP units will be fabricated and built by Robotis Co. for distribution to 11 partner universities (including major research universities, RUI institutions, a women's college, and two local high schools) and will utilize them in their classroom teaching and projects as well as outreach activities.

The objective of this annual workshop is to; introduce DARwIn-OP to the humanoid robotics community to broaden the DARwIn-OP project and form a user community; train the users for use in research, education, and outreach activities; disseminate results of the usage of DARwIn-OP in the classroom; and to obtain feedback from the users for future improvements".

You will get more information on DARwln from the following links

Some of the videos of DARwln are also attached to this post

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Google Gravity using WebGL...Must See this....

Hi all

      I got an interesting website that using latest WebGL technology .I got this link from facebook .I will put some screenshots of this site .There are lot of demos in this site using WebGL. You can explore all the demos and also you can download the source code .Its completly written in JavaScript .Its so amazing ,you must try this link below .

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to Make a Robot

Hi all

       I am sharing some links that is useful for robot builders . It will be useful for people who doing robotic projects .  The links are given below

Monday, August 15, 2011

Kinect SDK Ready.....

Hi all

About Kinect SDK from Microsoft website

The Kinect for Windows SDK beta is a programming toolkit for application developers. It enables the academic and enthusiast communities easy access to the capabilities offered by the Microsoft Kinect device connected to computers running the Windows 7 operating system.

       The Kinect for Windows SDK beta includes drivers, rich APIs for raw sensor streams and human motion tracking, installation documents, and resource materials. It provides Kinect capabilities to developers who build applications with C++, C#, or Visual Basic by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
This SDK includes the following features:

Raw sensor streams
Access to raw data streams from the depth sensor, color camera sensor, and four-element microphone array enables developers to build upon the low-level streams that are generated by the Kinect sensor.
Skeletal tracking
The capability to track the skeleton image of one or two people moving within the Kinect field of view make it easy to create gesture-driven applications.
Advanced audio capabilities
Audio processing capabilities include sophisticated acoustic noise suppression and echo cancellation, beam formation to identify the current sound source, and integration with the Windows speech recognition API.
Sample code and documentation
The SDK includes more than 100 pages of technical documentation. In addition to built-in help files, the documentation includes detailed walkthroughs for most samples provided with the SDK.
Easy installation
The SDK installs quickly, requires no complex configuration, and the complete installer size is less than 100 MB. Developers can get up and running in just a few minutes with a standard standalone Kinect sensor unit (widely available at retail outlets).
This SDK is designed for non-commercial purposes only; a commercial version is expected to be available at a later date.

Download Kinect SDK from the following link

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Samsung Admire : A middle range Android SmartPhone...

Hi all

          Samsung new smartphone Admire  may be release in the next month with affordable price .This phone has many very attractive features

Operating System

Android 2.3 Gingerbread


800 Mhz


3.2 MegaPixel

Other features are TouchWiz UI,Wifi,32GB Memory support..Some of the leaked photos of samsung admire are sharing below..Its a very good choice for middle class people and it has attractive features too..The expected cost is around $149(Rs 6700).

Apple is Richer than Microsoft???

Hi all

              Recently i saw an article regarding who is richer?Apple or Microsoft ??The answer is Apple. The reports saying that   "Apple have a market capital of $241.5 Billion, and Microsoft have a market capital of $239.5 Billion, making Apple the richest leading company in computer and gadget technology today".

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Techno-Humour : Matrix Runs on Windows XP :)

Hi all

             What happens if the Matrix Program is runs on Windows XP
Watch this Funny video..

iCub : An open source cognitive humanoid robotic platform

Hi all

           I like to introduce a humanoid robotic platform called iCub .The iCub is the humanoid robot developed as part of the EU  project robot developed as part of the EU project Robot and subsequently adopted by more than 20 laboratories worldwide .It has 53 motors that move the head ,arms & hands ,waist and legs . It can see and hear ,it has the sense of proprioception (body configuration ) and movements (using acceleration and gyroscope).We are working to improve on this in order to give the iCub the sense of touch and to grade how much force it exerts on the exerts on the enviornment .

Link :

Watch Videos..

Watch it..

New Addon in Twitter: Image tweets.!!!!

Hi all

           Recently twitter added a new functionality called  image tweet in there tweet pad .Now we can tweet using images also .The screenshot is given below.

Try it...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

For GNU/Linux Lovers..Watch this video..!!

Hi all

                I am sharing a video which deals with the Evolution of Gnu/Linux ....It will be inspiring for all Linux fans..

                                                      Revolution of OS
Watch it....

How to install Android on IPhone..!!!

Hi all              

                            Android is very popular os in mobile devices and tablets .Here i share a video in which

android 2.2 Froyo is installing on IPhone ..

Try it...

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates..Must Watch!!!

Hi all

               I like to share some inspirational videos by steve jobs and Bill Gates from Youtube ..You must watch this..

Really Inspiring one.....

                                                   1)Steve jobs Speech....

2)Bill Gates Speech...

Watch it.......

How to learn Java and .NET quickly...??

Hi all

              Java and .NET are the most useful programming languages in IT industries . How can we learn this two languages very quickly .You need not go to to  programming courses,you can learn it from home itself ,and this method is very simple .The things you need is a good broadband connection  :) .The learning is done using Youtube .

I am sharing some good playlist links for learning java and .Net...

1)For Java

2)For .NET

You can also download the entire playlist .There is a software for downloading ..This is the link for downloading the software..

Enjoy learning.....

Computers of the future....

Hi all


    Recently i saw a video in youtube about the future of  computers.I like to share that video through this post.

Wach it.........Really amazing....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Voice Search for google......

Hi all

          Google launched new voice based search .Its very accurate...The link for testing voice search is given below .The video is also attached


How can we hack our friends Gmail Accounts.....

Hi all

                I am not  writing this post for hacking purpose,but i want to show the vulnarabilty that happen with gmail account . Recently i changed my gmail password and i forgot the password . But somehow i resetted the password .
This is the way i did it . I am including the screenshots of how i reset my password ..

Its very simple

1)You have to click "cant access account"

2)enter the mail id

3)Enter capcha

4)Enter the phone number
after these steps ,you will get a code in your phone number .If you enter the code ,the password will reset as shown below
This functionality  is   good  for recovering passwords. It has some problems also ,if you know the friends email id and ,you have his phone ,you can easily hack his gmail id .Actually if someone hacks the gmail id,he  can also hack facebook id,because everything is connected .If your account is hacked,do the same procedure to reset . :) .So understand the vulnarabilty of this feature.Your friends can easily hack your password .Better thing is donot exchange your phones..:)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Artificial Intelligence using Python

Hi all

              I like to share some methods to implement  Artificial Intelligence .This is the method i used in my project called  "Social Robot" . I used Python Programming language for implementing Artificial Intelligence . I will list out the steps ..

                       PyAIML is the module for handling AI, AIML stands for Artificial Intelligence Markup Language .
1)Download and Install Python 2.6 or 2.5

2)Download a python module called PyAIML . The link for download is given below

3)We can install the python module by entering a command in terminal .
    sudo python install

Note that the terminal path is the path of module folder

4)Now the PyAIML installation is over .

5)Now we need some .aiml files for loading ..I used alice chatter bot files, which can be downloaded from the following link


6)After downloading the aiml files, we can connect it into python using following tutorial link given below


7)You are Done

It can be used for some interesting projects like chatter robot ...