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Saturday, August 11, 2012

ARToolkit for Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit

Hi all 

       I am giving  tips to run ARToolkit on Ubuntu 12.04. I got reference from the following link


1)Download ARToolkit 2.7 for linux and patch

Note: Extract Artoolkit and patch to  home folder .

2)Install patch

Note:While patching confirm  the patch file is outside Artoolkit folder.

 patch -p0 -d . < artk-v4l2- 

3)Do ./Configure

1st select V4L2 3rd option
2nd  select y (X86)
3rd select n
4th select n

4)Do make command

5)take bin folder and take ./simpleLite application

How to set artoolkit on Ubuntu 12.04


Çetin Meriçli said...


There are a few errors such as there is no lib/SRC/VideoLinuxV4L2/ AR/sys/videoLinuxV4L2.h files in the repository


Lentin Joseph said...

Hi Cetin

Did you tried the patch. I made this using the following link and its working good

Lentin Joseph said...

@zulfindra , i have updated the tutorial, sorry for the mistakes

Unknown said...

am getting below problem when i am trying to do make

make[2]: *** [../../libARvideo.a(ccvt_i386.o)] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/mlearn/ARToolKit/lib/SRC/VideoLinuxV4L2'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mlearn/ARToolKit/lib/SRC'
make: *** [all] Error 2

will u please sort my problem

Lentin Joseph said...

Hi Sampath

Are you using 64 bit os ?

Can you sent the screenshot of the steps you did for configuring artoolkit. ?My mail id is

Unknown said...

Hi Lentin,
As am trying to run ./simpleLite am getting following error will u please help

Using config string from environment [v4l2src device=/dev/video0 use-fixed-fps=false ! ffmpegcolorspace ! capsfilter caps=video/x-raw-rgb,bpp=24 ! identity name=artoolkit ! fakesink].
ARVideo may be configured using one or more of the following options,
separated by a space:

specifies device file.
specifies source channel.
specifies expected width of image.
specifies expected height of image.
specifies the camera palette (WARNING:all are not supported on each camera !!).
IMAGE CONTROLS (WARNING: every options are not supported by all camera !!):
specifies brightness. (0.0 <-> 1.0)
specifies contrast. (0.0 <-> 1.0)
specifies saturation (color). (0.0 <-> 1.0) (for color camera only)
specifies hue. (0.0 <-> 1.0) (for color camera only)
specifies TV signal mode (for tv/capture card).

setupCamera(): Unable to open connection to camera.
main(): Unable to set up AR camera.

Unknown said...

Hi Lentin,
Any help for the above post

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