Recently i tested a ROS stack for face_recognition .Here is the details
The link of the stack is given below
This stack is based on the following website ideas
The building procedures are given in the stack link
I used gencam_cu for camera driver instead of gscam
1)Download the stack ,the stack name is procrob_functional
2)Add procrob_functional stack path to ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
3)Install stack $rosmake --rosdep-install
4)Start gencam_cu by command and set /camera/image_raw into /image_raw
$rosrun gencam_cu gencam_cu /image_raw:=/camera/image_raw
5)roscd face_recognition
6)rosrun face_recognition Fserver
7)rosrun face_recognition Fclient
8)rostopic pub -1 /fr_order face_recognition/FRClientGoal -- 2 "yourname" .This is for getting images for training
Following are the output we get after this commands
hey, how to download the stack, i mean use the git command? can show me what to type? Thanks
That is given on the stack page
git clone git://
Hi Lentin,
Nice work. I want to this face recognition with my kinect. Will this work fine with kinect. If not, then what extra stuffs should I do ?
Thanks in advance
Hi Arjun, Nice to meet you. I think it will work with Kinect too. If the kinect rgb images are in /camera/image_raw topic ,this will work, Please try it and reply if your feedbacks.
Hi Lentin,
The kinect rgb images are in /camera/image_colour. So what modification should I do to correct it. I use Fuerte instead of electric, so should I change some files to match it up.
Thanks in advance
I think that is enough.
Hi Lentin,
When you run the following instruction using gencam_cu, did the image_raw look like black and white video ??
rosrun gencam_cu gencam_cu /image_raw:=/camera/image_raw
Hi Arjun, I am using my laptop webcam and i tried several ROS packages for the camera driver,but didnt work well. Only gencam_cu worked well for me. I am giving the link that showing gencam_cu working well with color video.
I think if this driver give gray scale images, you can try other camera drivers for getting the frame
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